Statement of Principles
- The source of MUC’s goals and way of life are derived from the holy book Al-Qur’an and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Revered sources of enlightenment and inspirations may come from authentic sources as well, from the family of the Prophet (Ahlul-Bayt) and/or The Rightly Guided Khaleefah’s (Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and Ali). Cultural, ethnic and nationalistic traditions are personal practices and are neither sources of Islam nor promoted by MUC.
- Islam is the divinely guided way of life from the Almighty God. Muslims identify themselves primarily as a community of faith and not as an ethnic group, race, color, or tribe. MUC does not promote activities with ethnic focus or overtones.
- Arabic is language of the holy book Al-Qur’aan, however the language of communication and conducting activities of MUC is mostly English.
- MUC does not promote a sect or school of thought; both are personal preferences and not a community policy. The affairs of Muslims should be handled through consultation, discipline and organization.
- MUC is committed to projecting and promoting Islam in an egalitarian and enlightened manner. Men and women are equally responsible to put forth the effort, develop and implement the policies and activities of MUC.
- MUC does not believe that segregation of the sexes is a guarantee of righteousness. MUC emphasizes modesty, purity of heart, clarity of conscience and adherence to the teachings of Almighty God and his Prophet (PBUH), as the key steps on the path to righteousness.
- MUC advocates the ethics and codes of Islamic behavior, while affirming kindness, compassion and respect for all fellow humans as cherished core values.
- There is no compulsion in religion as stated in the holy book Al-Qur’an. The role of MUC is to remind people to the message of Almighty God, not to compel. MUC does not judge people or classify Muslims. MUC aims to be an inclusive and inviting haven and a beacon of light guiding all of mankind.
- Islam is a way of life; all actions should serve the interest of Islam, Muslims in the U.S. and humanity at large. Preoccupation with political activities abroad is divisive and is inconsistent with the mission of MUC.
- MUC honors the constitution of the United States as the guiding legal principle of the nation and shall abide by all the applicable laws of the land.
MUC Non-Discrimination Policy
Equal Opportunity for Everyone!
It is the policy of MUC to provide equal opportunity and employment and promotion based on merit, qualifications and abilities. No person is to be discriminated against in employment or promotion because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, military status, or other characteristics protected by law.
Any employee with questions or concerns regarding equal opportunity is encouraged without fear of reprisal to contact his or her Supervisor. In the absence of the Supervisor, inquires or complaints may be directed to the President of the board of directors at, 1830 W Square Lake Rd, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302. Inquires about the laws and about the compliance may also be directed to the State of Michigan, Department of Civil Rights.